We recognise that every child is unique and we respect and value differences.
We know that children learn through play and we build on their interests and strengths so they may learn to make sense of the world around them.
We believe every child has the right to experience quality care.
We will focus on the ‘here and now’.
We believe that children should experience the joys of childhood.
We will work together to provide a caring, nurturing and stimulating environment, where children feel comfortable, and are empowered to try new activities and experiences.
We will commit to extending our knowledge and expertise in the field of Early Childhood and will attend professional development courses throughout the year.
Educators who attend professional development are to present an account at the next staff meeting to share information gained with all other educators and management.
We will act professionally at all times and in any circumstances.
We will provide an environment that is stimulating and challenging and caters for the individual needs of the child.
We will create an environment where there is a balance of learning, love, security, independence, consideration for others and a feeling of self worth.
We will foster hope, wonder and a love of the natural environment through daily practices, resources and interactions.
We will create an environment where lasting memories and friendships are made.
We will encourage educators and children to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment. Sustainable practices will be embedded in service operations.
We believe play-based learning is the best medium for learning and development in the Early Years.
We believe children learn best through hands-on experiences.
We will maintain a program that is gender neutral, multicultural and anti-bias, allowing children to feel recognised and respected for who they are.
We will ensure our program is flexible so that unplanned interests and events can be followed through.
We will emphasise the processes of learning rather than focusing on finished results.
We believe children should have free choice especially outside, to be able to explore the natural surroundings. This can be achieved through children making their own choices as to what they would like the outdoor environment to look like, decide on activities that interest them and how they would like this activity to be set up.
We believe families are the primary influence in their Childs life.
We will strive to develop positive relationships with families that are based on mutual trust and open communication.
We will promote cultural awareness in all educators and children, including greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being.
We encourage family and community involvement within the classroom.
We acknowledge that each family is affected by the community context in which it operates and we support and value these differences.
This document was written with the help and support of staff and families attending Bauer Street Community Children’s Centre – April 2012.
This document was reviewed and passed at our AGM March 2017
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
The Children’s Code of Ethics
Guide to the National Quality Standard – 2011