Bauer Street Newsletter August 2019


We have some sad news; Kara from the Junior Kindy room is leaving us to spend time overseas with her new baby niece for about six months. Kara’s last day at the centre will be Thursday 5th September. We will be employing a new staff member for Kara’s position. We know she will enjoy her time overseas and she will be missed by her Bauer St family.


It was decided at the last committee meeting that the centre will increase fees by $1.00 per day as from Monday 26th August. If you do direct debit, please adjust your amount to cover the increase.

Statements are sent every Friday via email, please let us know if you have not been receiving your statement so we can check your email address.  Please ensure that your payments are kept up to date, to ensure our non-profit organisation can meet its weekly expenses. Eftpos is also available during office hours (8:00am – 4.00pm) or you can transfer your payment directly into the centre’s bank account as follows: –

Bauer Street Community Children’s Centre

Westpac Southport

BSB                             034215

 Account No.               150888

(Please quote your child’s name as the reference)

Fathers Day

We will be celebrating Fathers & Grandfathers day with a breakfast and activities morning on Thursday 29th August at 7.30am till 9.00am. Please join us on this special morning! There will be bacon and egg rolls, juice and activities with the children. Please RSVP by filling out the sheet in your child’s room by Friday 23rd August (this is for catering purposes).  We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Centre Photos

The centre photographer will be visiting the centre on Wednesday 9th October & Thursday 10th October. We will send out a reminder with further information closer to the date.

Arrival and Departure

It is essential that you sign your child in and out every day they attend the Centre. These records are used in case of an emergency such as a fire etc. as well as for claiming Child Care Subsidy.    

On arrival at the centre you are asked to:

  • Sign your child into the centre using the Ipads
  • Present your child to the educator in child’s room or outdoors.

When you collect your child, we ask that you:

  • Come into the room and greet your child.
  • Collect your child’s belongings.
  • With your child, say goodbye to the educator on duty.
  • Sign your child out of the centre using the Ipads.

Children must be brought to the Centre by a responsible adult known to the staff.  If for some reason someone else other than yourself needs to bring your child, please phone and advise the office staff.

Extract from Immunisation policy

To stop any confusion regarding when to bring children into the centre after they have been given medication (e.g. antibiotics) or had an immunisation; please read the statement from our immunisation policy:

Advise families that when a child has commenced treatment with a medication (including immunisation), the child should not attend care for at least 24 hours to ensure the child is recovering and is not having side effects to the medication or immunisation.

RAP – Reconciliation Action Plan

Our service has commenced developing a reconciliation action plan -RAP; this is a formal statement of commitment to reconciliation. This will enable us to implement and measure practical actions that build respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples while delivering a more culturally safe and tolerant workplace.

We are asking interested families to join our work group to further assist with implementation. You will be required to attend meetings once per term. If you are interested or would like more information, please come in and speak with us.


Please leave us plastic lids from your milk, water, juice and soft drink bottles and they will be converted into prosthetic hands for kids. We have a large container in the front foyer for the lids to be dropped into. The container has a display of the type of lids that are recyclable and the ones that cannot be recycled. Thanks for your support!