Bauer Street Newsletter – August 2017
Earn & Learn
It is on again! Anyone can help our centre earn points for amazing resources.
- Earn one sticker for every $10 spent at Woolworths
- Complete sticker sheets
- Drop sheet in the collection box in the centre foyer
- Runs 26th July to 19th September
Immunisation reminder
We are still waiting on some families to bring in their child’s immunisation forms. Just a reminder when your child has had an immunisation we do need to have an updated copy kept on file. You can retrieve your immunisation details:
- Online – through MyGov once an account has been created
- Over the counter at a Medicare Service Centre
- Phone ACIR ON1800 653 809
Christmas Closing Dates
It was agreed at the last management committee meeting that the centre will close for two weeks over the Christmas break. We will be closed from Monday 25th December 2017 and will reopen on Monday 8th January 2018. Please remember these dates in case you need to find care during those 2 weeks that the centre is closed.
It was passed at the last management committee meeting that fees would increase by $1.00 per day as from week starting 7th August. If you pay online please adjust your weekly amount, we will adjust our weekly EFTPOS payments.
Children’s Christmas Party
The children’s Christmas party this year will be Friday 8th December at 6.00pm. Please mark this on your calendar.
Christmas Party Fee
It was discussed at the management meeting to charge the $20 Christmas present/party levy to accounts the first week in October.
Just a reminder that we do have the hand sanitiser outside the front door of the centre for everyone to use. Please use it with your child before you enter the centre and after you leave to stop the spread of germs and infection.
Workplace Health & Safety
The centre has recently had a workplace Health & Safety Audit completed on the inside of the centre. We received a great report saying management and staff are to be praised for their diligent approach to safe working practices, supervision of the children, the cleanliness of the rooms, play areas and facilities and an overall conscientious management of records.
We also had a kitchen audit by council and got a 5 star rating – the star ratings mean that
our centre demonstrates a high level of compliance with the Food Act 2006 and excellent safety management practices.
Head Lice Policy
We have reviewed the Head Lice policy due to an outbreak of head lice in the centre. We will now be sending ‘head lice check return slips’ home to be signed and returned to the office to help stop the spread of these little critters. I have attached an extract from the policy where changes have been made:
To support parents/carers and the broader childcare community to achieve a consistent, collaborative approach to head lice management the childcare will undertake to:
- “Head lice check return slips” to be signed and returned to the office.
- Distribute up to date and accurate information on the detection, treatment and control of head lice to parents and staff.
- Include information and updates in childcare newsletters;
- Include annual head lice updates for staff in-service programs;
- Provide practical advice and maintain a sympathetic attitude and avoid stigmatizing/blaming families who are experiencing difficulty with control measures;
- Access community educational resources and support, such as primary childcare nurses, community health centres and local government;
- Notify parents when children have live insects;
- Accept the advice of parents that appropriate treatment has commenced;
- Encourage children to learn about head lice so as to help remove any stigma or ‘bullying’ associated with the issue;
- Be aware of real difficulties some parents may encounter and seek extra support if required;
- Review the head lice policy annually.
- Act responsibly and respectfully when dealing with members of the childcare and broader community especially around issues of Head Lice;
- Continue to seek opportunities to increase our collective understanding of and response to managing head lice.
Toy Catalogues
Parent Direct toy catalogues have been placed in your pigeon-holes in the Centre foyer. Inside the front cover of the catalogue you will find details of how to order online if you wish to do so. The Centre does benefit from any toy orders made.