This Early Childhood Education and Care service is an approved kindergarten program provider for the purposes of claiming Queensland Kindergarten Funding (QKF).

Kindergarten Fees (information current as at: 09/01/2023)

Program 1 Name: PRE-PREP
Kindergarten Program Details  Days: 5   Hours: 37.5  
Total daily/term/annual fee (cost of the program before the subsidies are applied )$112.00
Application of QKF to reduce out-of-pocket expenses Base subsidy fee reductionKindy PlusKindy FTB 
Inclusions in the total daily rate: (list inclusions, e.g. food, sunscreen)Daily meals are provided, and sunscreen
Enrolment conditions: (list commitment required of child to participate in the program)Min. 15 hours per week

Additional fees or levies

Item and purposeCost/frequencyTax deductible Y/N
$1.00 Equipment levyweeklyN

Provider information does not represent the official position of the Queensland Government.

Approved Kindergarten Program Providers

This service holds a current service approval for a centre based service in Queensland, under the Education and Care Services National Law (National Law) or the Education and Care Services Act 2013, and appropriate public liability insurance of at least $10 million. To be eligible to receive kindergarten funding the service must meet specific requirements, including provide an approved kindergarten program:

  • To children who are at least four years of age by 30 June in the year they commence kindergarten
  • Delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher
  • Aligned with the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, or other education program approved by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
  • For 600 hours annually made up of 15 hours a week or 30 hours per fortnight for 40 weeks. Any other model must be approved by the Department of Education prior to commencement

The Australian and Queensland Governments are providing subsidies to support the delivery of kindergarten programs. For more information, please visit the Department of Education website: